
We stock new and used records

We have a small but diligently curated selection of records. In fact, The Book House has been named one of the top places to buy vinyl in Minnesota, and remains the only place to buy vinyl in the University area!

Looking to sell your records?

We’d love to have a look! Please be aware that, due to space concerns, we are a bit pickier than most with what we can take on.

Priority genres:

-Rock (most genres, but particularly classic rock, punk/new wave, indie/alternative, and metal)



-Jazz (post-1950s)


-Spoken word/Poetry

-Local classics (think Bob Dylan, Prince, Replacements, Husker Du, Rhymesayers, etc.)

What we do not take:

-Heavily damaged vinyl, records without sleeves, etc.—condition is crucial!

-Most 7”/45 rpm singles

-Classical, 1940s or earlier jazz

-CDs, cassettes. etc.—Vinyl only please!

Vinyl Consignment:

If you have experience selling records at shows or professionally and would like to consign through us, please contact us for more information.